Blog :: Dec 26 16, 02:59

Christmas Poem shared with my friend in stage 4 cancer

by kjhearts, (
Once, a very long time ago, there was a quiet baby,
now she is a well refined elegant lady.
A sophisticated lady, a friend, a mother, a grandmother, as well as a great grandmother, which does not smother.
A creative lady enjoying her artistic talent,
which reveals her as so very gallant.
A considerate lady with a gentle sole,
not just climbing anyone’s pole.
A blessed lady so very devoted,
anyone would have promoted.
A resilient lady so robust,
no one would dare to dust,
yet, all would trust.
A witty lady with inspiring humor,
staying away from the rumors.
A loving lady with an abundance of close family and friends who are dear,
wishing they were here,
but I am clear,
as I am a fortunate one to be near,
as thinking of you brings me good cheer.
In your fine cart,
at the center of your heart,
is more than I, or anyone would dare to part (with).
© 2016 by kjhearts,
